Officially last day of school have come to an end….. During Pn. Lim’s lesson, I was told to go up and give a sort of farewell speech or so, I didn’t reli gave a proper for I am not so much of a “on-the-spot” person with all these speech. So here goes;
It was the feeling of unwilling and hatred everyday I had to put on my school uniform each new morning when I looked myself in the morning. But I always had a good time at school although I dread lessons. Every single little thing was blame on this and that but never myself which I still do on and off. But somehow I have come to an understanding that it ain’t all that bad either. I had many good friends that I met and manage to bond between the old. They said that Titanic sank but FriendShip will never sink. But of course not everything said are all good for it would have been a fairyland tale. I have done things that we don’t see eye to eye but I believe what I would stand behind the decisions that I have made. Now I am being able to get up and put on my uniform without the feeling of being sent to a prison but the feeling of going back to school again as I have been for most my life.
One of the many things that I cherish the most during my time in MBS was being able to know someone better, someone who has been there but never did notice. It’s a funny world for we never do appreciate the company of souls that is alongside us until we go our separate ways. But I do not dare to expect too much for nothing is constant. And somehow the odds are against me. Tides change, so do human emotions.
MBS was probably The School that I felt I was in A School. Its environment really gave me a sense of the present of knowledge around it. You may say that I am elaborating. But wait till u have been to a few schools, you will know. I really have to salute the Form 6 teachers. Not only are they highly qualified, somehow you won’t feel their piece of paper qualification upon you. You feel closer, sometimes you are able to talk craps and you will get a friendly crap response…. This is a bit unusual for teachers that I have known. I thank my teachers for their wisdoms, patients and guidance. For the unconditional sacrifice you gave for us, for me.
My friends, you all have been great as I am only hoping I have returned the favor. There are days that I dive in thoughts wondering what I did, was it ethical? Was it fair and just? Have I been or reacted badly against you all. No matter what they are, as Puff said, MBS will always be a part of us in life; so will you all. For 17 months, my classmates were one of the companionship that I treasured the most as I intend to keep it that way a many years to come. No matter what I did, I do hope we can once again sit down together and laugh over it when it’s over. Without you all, I am sure that I would have a hellish experience through my Sixth Form school life.
Ask me 16 months ago if I regretted coming in to Form 6 and I would have said “Hell Ya!”. 17 months down the road and ask me again the same question and I would have this answer “it’s a pity you didn’t gave it a chance.” For it was chance I gave to make things out of what they are. We are merely just a passenger and a ship and being stirred along the teachers guide us proves efficiency.
I think I have said all I wanted to so bye for now.
“Things are tangible objects, catch your dream answer secure it fast for the the call of a life time.