Sunday, February 6, 2011

Holidays over

Today is the last day before most of will will get back to our usual schedule, wake up early in the morning, get dress for work, for some get jammed on the way to work, start working, have lunch with frns, go home, bath and change, f&e than sleep...... Just to repeat the cycle again tomorrow...

Sounds darn boring doesnt it??? Well its bec we make it sound that way... We are the chef, we are in-charge of adding adding spices into our own life. If you decide to have a meal of plain white porridge, than u will just taste the grains, but add in stripped egg, soy, pepper, some shredded chicken and fish, all in together you have a whole new meal! :)

So to all ya, Happi Chinese New Year and may ur life be filled with joy :)


  1. why everyone just want me to be filled into their lives ?! XD hahahaah, I know its lame...XP

  2. So I'm the fish swimming in your boring white porridge? Yay. (I don't swim.)
